Our tutors possess
Passion and enthusiasm
Flexibility and versatility
Patience and kindness
Featured Tutors
Our tutors are qualified teachers, high ATAR achievers or university students/graduates.
Biomedical Science & Engineering – Monash University
Caitlin has received numerous awards for excellence in Chemistry, English, Biology and achieving an ATAR of 98.7. She loves playing guitar, being part of a national soccer league and discovering the great outdoors.
“Over 15,000 hours of tutoring up our sleeves.”
The right tutor for you might be in a different suburb or even in a different state.
Our convenient online service helps match you to the perfect tutor for your needs.
We vet all of our tutors
To make sure you only have access to the best people in the industry, our vetting process means that only 4% of applicants go on to become tutors at our company.
All of our tutors are either a:
Qualified or student teacher
University student or graduate with excellent results
Recent high school graduate with an ATAR of above 90
Extensive relevant experience
Study score above 40 in the relevant subjects
TutorCo tutors go through an extensive application process with multiple stages
First stage
Apply to become a tutor with relevant documents highlighting experience and expertise.
Second stage
Phone conversation to find out about their personality and qualities.
Third stage
Face-to-face (or virtual) interview which allows us to learn about the potential tutors’ teaching styles. The second and third stage are then used to create a unique match.
Fourth stage
Background and reference check. All tutors must possess a valid Working With Children Check. References are consulted to confirm what the tutor has already shared with us.